Keith Grint

Keith spent 10 years working in various positions across a number of industry sectors before switching to academics, where he held Chairs at Cranfield and Lancaster Universities and was Lancaster Leadership Centre Director.

Born or Made?

“I don’t know that it’s possible to answer. I think it’s only possible to answer to say that we’re all given different kinds of qualities, but then the question is: What do you do with those qualities that you’ve given? Do you ignore them, hone them, train them? I think what you can do is you can always improve somebody. It’s like any kind of sports skill, you can improve them if you train them.”

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So when we consider effective leadership or good leadership. How much do you think is attributable to the talent with which a person is born and how much based on education and training and experience? I don't I don't know I can answer that question. I think that's I think people always want to know the answer. I mean, I'm not asking you to quality. Yeah. No. I don't think it's I don't know if it's possible to answer. I think it's only possible to answer to say that we are all given different kinds of qualities. But then the question is, what do you do with those qualities that you've given? Do you ignore them, home them, train them or deed or whatever? Let's go back to the karate is a good example of this. I some of my students or students that were in my group ended up in the England karate team. One of them only ended up in the art team for about a week and then left. He has extraordinarily talented individual but couldn't be bothered to train properly. The one that did last for a long time wasn't as talented but just trained all the time. There's something, of course, we get different talents. The issue is, what do you do with the talent? I think it's the same with leadership. You can tell at school, some people are really good and some people are. But I think what you can do is you can always improve somebody like any kind of sports skill. You can improve them if you train them. If you train hard enough, you can improve what you're doing. You may never end up in the United States football team, but you can be pretty good in your local team. I think it's a question of recognizing that we can all do this. In some senses, we all end up leaders at some point of your family or the school or whatever it as a. There are always opportunities, but the issue would be Do you practice enough. Do you keep this going because I think it's like most physical skills, you have to practice It's a bit like negotiating. I taught negotiating for a long time and students quite often say to me at the end, how I am going to improve myself? I say, you need to go to car manufacturer shop. Don't take any money with you. Just go practice negotiating. Because you're not going to buy anything, then all those concerns that you have are disappearing and you'll see how good you are. Okay. And then the car dealers around the university really love. And then and then go back and buy all properly because we don't know when you buy a car, you do it once every three or four years, you get no training in how to negotiate for cars. So do it more often. That's why they're so good because they do it all day. So and doing my background work for this and reading through some of the things that you published and so on. I was as an American. I was really struck by some of the work you did with Linda Su Warner. All right. On American Indians? Yeah. American Indian ways of leading and knowing and leadership, 2006, the case of the noble savage, sacred places indigenous perspectives of leadership. So I looked up Linda Sue Warner and in 2012, at least, she was special assistant to the president of tribal affairs Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Miami Oklahoma. Now, I I taught at Oklahoma State University a year, so I know where this place is most people don't. So on multiple levels, Oklahoma A&M in Miami, Oklahoma is a long way from Work. Number one, how did you ever come to collaborate with this woman? And then I want to ask follow up question. Okay. So I think it was one of the very early leadership conferences. I started a leadership conference up with a colleague of mine David Collinson when I was at Oxford, that's an annual conference that runs not the same as this conference, it's mainly a European one. It's very critically focused international studying of leadership have about 150 scholars, very critical. Not many consultants turn out. Anyway. One of the early ones, I'm running I can't think I think it might be at Lancaster. I can't remember. Anyway. Don't he a difference. I get an e mail from Linda saying, I really like to come to this At conference, and I've half written a paper, but I'm not a leadership scholar. Would you be interested in coming on board and adding a bit of your leadership talent to this particular paper, which is about indigenous communities, I've always been interested in that kind of sure. We wrote bits of the paper and then we ended up delivering it actually it was at Exeter University where we delivered the paper. Since then, I've been in regular contact with when we published a few things together. I was just struck by

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