Leadership Insights

Bringing leadership to life

Leaders from business, government, not-for-profits, education, and other sectors spoke to us and shared their important lessons.

You can explore leadership insights in many ways.

Want to listen to them tell their story or read the complete interviews?

Browse audio and transcripts of the Oral History Project

What is the Oral History Project?

Notable leaders and leadership scholars serve as narrators for the Tobias Leadership Center’s oral history project.

When you explore our oral histories, you’ll hear insights into leadership and some extraordinary stories of leadership in action. You will learn about leadership luminaries, the challenges they faced, and the impact they made. Through extended interviews, the leaders examine key turning points in their careers—often times of crisis—and discuss what decisions they had to make and why they made them.

We conduct interviews to the highest standards prescribed by the American Oral History Association. Dr. Philip Scarpino, an expert in oral history, directs this project.

Browse audio and transcripts of the Oral History Project

How were these leaders chosen?

The oral history project began under Tobias Leadership Center’s Founding Director and IUPUI Chancellor Emeritus, Gerald Bepko. Originally focused on key leaders in Indiana, the project expanded when we partnered with the International Leadership Association (ILA) to conduct the oral history of the leaders they honor each year with a lifetime achievement award.

We value inclusion. We are actively engaged in making our leadership stories more inclusive of the range of leaders in our communities.