Doris Merritt

During her 25-year tenure at IUPUI, her influence extended campuswide as a woman of many firsts. She was the first female assistant dean at the IU School of Medicine, and later served as the first female dean of the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI, 1995–97.

Born or Made?

“As I went through [various leadership] positions, I always did the best I could in [that] position... Because I did well, people asked me to do other things.”

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Leaders Are Readers

  • “ [My high school English teacher] broadened my horizons enormously. She sent me a reading list, which I still have, that had everything from poetry to novels and plays to philosophy that she thought a young woman should read. I went through and read [her list], and I checked it off- except for A Pilgrim’s Progress, with the chapter on The Slough of Despond. She just opened the world a little bit to me in that way.”

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