“I knew that I would want to be that kind of administrator, leader, counselor, person in my career. And as it got more intentional and I learned more about leadership, I realized I was bringing people into leadership by doing that because it was affirming their qualities that made them effective working with others that they may not see ”
“I used the term earlier, philosophy of leadership, because I’ve come to see leadership as how you enact the philosophies that you hold about it. And I think there’s something to unpack about that more than I have. ”
“Mostly I’m saying to people, know what gifts and talents you’re bringing to a group, and make sure that those are contributed, and then help others see theirs, and build a good community. And then people will see you doing that and value and appreciate your contribution.”
“Grounded theory is a research methodology and qualitative methods that the outcome then becomes the methods that one uses primarily interviewing. Around having purpose of sampling of some kind around what you then engage in, some series of interviews, and usually over a long duration, like, might be three, couple-hour each interviews, so you’re developing that over time.”